Original Fine Art Gallery
About Original Fine Art

Artist Statement
As a painter, I’m inspired by still life, landscapes and people in everyday situations. I typically work in oil on wood panels, or watercolors on cold pressed paper or illustration board. I strive for an interesting composition, clean colors and effective brushstrokes.
I like a more colorful, loose approach and enjoy painting from life and try to do so whenever possible. I look for lost and found edges within a still life. Patterns created by shadows and light and dark contrast are the main attraction in landscapes. I find the simple shapes and gestures of ordinary people in everyday life interesting.
Starting out, I was Influenced by the work of other artists and tried to emulate them; over time, I realized that every artist’s goal is to develop and refine their own, unique, individual style.
Artist Bio
Nancy began painting with watercolors as a young adult. At the time she was inspired by French Impressionists, Expressionists, as well as Edward Hopper and Winslow Homer's clean, transparent, watercolors. She has formal fine art and graphic design training, yet considers herself mainly self-taught.
Painting primarily from life, Nancy works in oil and watercolor with a loose, colorful style. Early on, she focused on landscape and portrait commissions and works sold at art expositions. Later, her career transitioned to a full-time graphic designer at Michigan State University. Semi-retired now, her creative energy is devoted to painting. She enjoys still lifes, people in everyday situations, interiors, and especially the challenge of plein air landscapes. Intuition guides her subject matter with a goal that each painting will be better than the last.
Nancy is an award winning artist. Her oil painting "Small Town Gossip" was chosen as a promotional piece for Birmingham's Our Town Exhibit. She received the competitive HealthPlus of Michigan Rainmaker Award for a painted ceramic tile piece and National Agricultural Alumni Association's Publication & Project Award. She was the first place winner for the MSU Sesquicentennial Commemorative Envelope contest and Study Abroad Display Contest (two years in a row). She has also exhibited at ArtPrize and many other exhibitions.
Besides working on her paintings, Nancy continues to enjoy working as a graphic designer. Her love and appreciation of fine art and design, she enjoys spending time with her husband, three daughters, six grandchildren and two cats.